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We aim to build a network of experimental sustainable communities to demonstrate that we do have a sustainable alternative to our current socioeconomic system. Want to help us build for a sustainable future? Please donate what you can:

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Should we look at another direction?

The prevailing socioeconomic opinion says we have no problem with the environment and the environment will self-regulate to resolve any perceived problem will, thus we don’t really need to do anything, we can just carry on as we have done and all will work our right in the end. The eco-system may well self-regulate in response to the damage we have and continue to do but we have no certainty that an optimal solution for the eco-system’s perspective involves the survival of the human race. With our understanding of how such complex systems work and what we have done we should, as a matter of self-interest if nothing else, look toward the long term but we don’t.

It looks like the immense lag in the system could prevent us from achieving a sustainable state and we have a very real possibility of seeing not just a collapse of civilisation but also of the eco-system; we do not have time on our side.

Perhaps we should now look at sowing seeds so that we have a foundation (and I use that word deliberately) to build an alternative moneyless socioeconomic system after the collapse? We should

Monday, 24 March 2014

Alien Planet: space colonies as a starting point for sustainable communities on Earth

This idea has floated around my brain for some time and the recent postings that Mark Ciotola has done has brought the idea more to the fore. Basically, I’m thinking about how we should design a sustainable community. We have the basic idea that we build around communities that the selves have a sustainable nature but I want to extend that a bit and think of communities as a colony on an alien plant.  Think Mars colony on Earth. The reason I’m thinking that has not only to do with such communities/colonies have to have a sustainable nature anyway but also with their enclosed nature. In a space colony food production and waste management has to take place within an enclosed system and this aspect I think should form the foundation for a sustainable community on Earth. We treat Earth like an alien plant and we build, as much as possible, self-contained communities.  

Of cause, we don’t live on Mars and we can step outside and breathe the atmosphere so I don’t mean we should build like we really live on an alien planet.  Instead we take the idea of a space colony as a starting point for our design. If we build from the ground up with sustainable communities then we can build a whole civilisation from these logo bricks.