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We aim to build a network of experimental sustainable communities to demonstrate that we do have a sustainable alternative to our current socioeconomic system. Want to help us build for a sustainable future? Please donate what you can:

Sunday, 25 March 2018

The Technocracy Party

The geodesic dome at CAT, Wales, UK.

Should we set up a political party? This is a question that has come up a number of times within EOS and the answer has been “no”. EOS hasn’t been set up as a political organisation but one that aims to research a possible alternative, sustainable, moneyless, socio-economic system. I personally have never liked the idea of setting up a political party till we have something we can demonstrate works. The way to do that is build something and test it out.

Over the years we have had many discussions and ideas. We have held lectures at Universities, had many on-line meetings, and written many articles and other publications. We have had quite a bit of interest on Facebook, with our main group page having 4 157 members as I write.  Most of our ideas are now written up in the Design. We have had some cooperation with other groups and individuals. Frustratingly, however, we haven’t got much to show for our work on the ground. We have had many real life meetings and started with building a bio-dome. However, we are still far from building a community. In addition, the world seems to be doing nothing but paying lip service to the idea of sustainability. Despite international agreements here and there we are still not tacking the main cause of the problem; our current socio-economic system with its inbuilt need to maintain exponential growth with finite resources and resulting environmental damage.  

So, I’ve been thinking about “force multipliers”; the idea of trying to maximise return on the effort we put in, which brings me back to the idea of a political party. I’m now thinking that perhaps my original objection was wrong, or at least, partly wrong. EOS should not, itself, get involved in politics but should remain focused on research. So, I’m thinking of a political party separate from EOS but one that aims to support the same goals. The idea being that through politics we can get a leverage to start getting an alternative to our current system tested and implemented. Start building a sustainable socio-economic system.

Here are my initial thoughts:
The Technocracy Party

1. Foundation ideas

1.1 Pragmatism

1.2 Skill and expertise; those who know what they are doing make the decisions.

1.3 Reality based

2. Goal:

2.1 (a) Highest standard of living (b) for the longest time possible

3. Sub goals

3.1 The appliance of science to society. Follows from 1.1, 1.3, and 2.1 (a) as science is our best way to understand the world and the likely consequences of our actions.

3.2 A sustainable society. Follows form 2.1 (b) as to achieve the longest time possible a society must be sustainable and live within the bounds of nature.