This blog documents my work in building and designing a sustainable, hi-tech, moneyless future society.
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Wednesday, 29 December 2010
An undiscovered island
We each set of on our different route but we agree to keep in contact with each other via radio and to help each other if we can. As the expeditions advance, each on their own route following their own ideas, we make progress into the unknown. As we learn new things about the island we pass on the information; the animals we find, the lie of the land, food and water supplies. Each group makes progress but each runs into problems. When a group has difficulty the other try and help them out. Some times it can mean change in course as one group find an easy path and informs groups that have met with impenetrable forest. So times it just advice; look out for a eye plants!
I see a future society working like this; one that does not fear differences and has to make everyone the same but acknowledges deliverances and see the advantages they can bring. A society that lets people live their own life but bring them together when needed to help each other.
Although each group has its differences we all have a common goal. Through acknowledging our differences we gain strength. Knowledge learnt in one group helps another and visa verse. As no one group knows the right way forward having differences allows us to search different alternatives as we all head for the same goal. Through working together on the points we have in common allows to maximise our resources on a focused area. Through networking we gain the advantage s of multiple approaches and strength though numbers.
In engineering we would call this approach of exploring the unknown prototyping. In software engineering we would call it forking.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Why should we cooperate? Axelrod and Hamilton looked at the evolution of cooperation through the application of multiple prisoner's dilemma. They found that if rational entities could meet again and play prisoner's dilemma over and over that tit-for-tat represented the optimal strategy. They ran hundreds of trials with many different strategies and although tit-for-tat didn't come top it came second more time than other strategies meaning that overall it represented the best strategy. In tit-for-tat, cooperation gets rewarded with cooperation and defecting gets punished with defection, thus each entity has a vested interest in cooperating. So long as entities have a chance of meeting again and so long as defecting or freeloading gets punished cooperation represents to optimal strategy for self interested entities, which matches closer what actually happens in the real world.
The real world example of reciprocal altruism comes close to theoretical model of tit-for-tat from game theory. Examples include symbiosis between different animals such as cleaner fish or human actions such as voluntary charity work. This strategy can give greater benefits to those involved if those involved meet multiples times and can spot free loaders and punish them.
In the end, cooperation can work as the optimal strategy for selfish entities giving them greater benefits, especially in the long run, than purely selfish actions provided the entities interact multiple times over time and freeloaders or those that would explode the cooperation get pushed and thus, do not gain from the exportation.
Cooperation forms an important part of the socioeconomic design of EOS. We propose a network multiple autonomous entities working together and cooperating on common tasks. These entities remain separate with their own ideas doing their own things but as each works towards a common overall goal they can come together to form common project as needed. This results in entities forming higher entities to work on a common project in a holonic system of cooperation.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Fixing the facade
I look at today's society and what we do and I see a man fixing the facade of a rotten building. We have things like ISO 14000 and 20-20-20 attempting to address the problem but do nothing about the core problem so they become filling in the cracks. Are we doing something? Do things like ISO 14000 and 20-20-20 make a difference? Yes, we do do something and ISO 14000 and 20-20-20 do make an impact but do we do anything about the core problem? No, we don't. Sooner or later the good things that might come out of ISO 14000 and 20-20-20 will get lost when the building collapses.
It appears to me the term "sustainable development" forms an example of an oxymoron!
Thursday, 19 August 2010
The Venus Project in Stockholm, Sweden
The big event for EOS this year : The Venus Project in Stockholm. I organised the lecture that Roxanne Meadows and Jacque Fresco gave at the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm.
The event when really well. I got to meet with a lot of like minded people. Everything went smoothly and we had over 300 people at the event.
Afterwards we had a meal that Jim from Rent-a-chef organised and we also had a BBQ on the following day, that Jim also arranged.
All in all, I think we can say the event turned out a big success and that everyone involved really enjoyed.
Thanks to all those who helped.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Engineering Society
Engineering Society
I'm now getting quite busy as The Venus Project event in Stockholm come closer!
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Experiments with green stuff
At the moment they all look as if they have worked and will continue to work well. I've managed to grow some lettuce in the hydroponics and plant the pernamculture plants and I have some algae growing in my photo bio-reactors.
For the hydroponics, next year I want to start looking at producing my own nutrients. For the permaculture I need to see if the plants last the winter. I don't know of anyone who has tried permaculture this far north (63 deg). For the algae I now need to see if I can harvest them and produce some oil.

Monday, 7 June 2010
Energy Accounting Design ready for review
Energy Accounting Design
NB, if you don't like the idea of ECs and would prefer the TVP idea then just ignore that bit. With or without ECs we would still need the second part of the system of "expert management".
Thursday, 20 May 2010
New site up and running
You can find the new site here:
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Thermoeconomics: The use of Exergy in Alternative Socioeconomics
You can find it here:
Thermoeconomics: The use of Exergy in Alternative Socioeconomics
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Lecturing at Umeå University
The lecture talked about why we need to look at alternative socioeconomics (looking at exponential growth) then went on to resent EOS and The Venus Project as two alternatives. I then looked at implementation plans. At then end I left space for questions and answers and the student bombarded me with quite a few of them!
I did the lecture last week and it went well even if it was not my best performance (I had a cold at the time). I received an email yesterday saying that it sparked quite a bit of discussion!
I hope I will get the opportunity to do more lectures, perhaps at other Universities?
Racing snails
Wednesday, 27 January 2010

The word "technocracy" means "rule of the skilled", in other words it means a system of government where the people who can make competent decisions get to make those decisions. Such a system differs greatly form our current oligarchy where we have elected representatives who get elected, as it appears to me, because they look good on TV or make nice sounding promises not because they have the competence to actually do something. Often it appears to me they only have any competence in looking after themselves (ever met a poor politician?). So, to me "technocracy" would signify something positive, a break from our current self disructive system to something better.
Unfortunately, not every body see it in such a positive light. The word "technocracy" has gained a negative connotation with people using it as an insult or thinking it means "techno-fascism" (far from the actual meaning the word). This means people often jump to conclusions about the type of sustainable sociality NET proposes and don't even listen to what we say. We have known of this problem for some time but we were unable to come up with an alternative - until now!
We have agreed to change NET to EOS - European Organisation for Sustainability. Not only does that represent what we aim to achieve for our society but also as the name "Eos" refers to the Greek Goddess of the dawn the name also symbolises the new dawn of a new sustainable, moneyless, civilisation that we envision.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
The Venus Project to come to Sweden
The Venus Project event in Sweden : Attend This Event
We as in NET have also worked more on establishing the (proto-)technate. We now need a formal meeting of the board to agree on the translation company which I hope we will arrange soon.