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Wednesday 27 June 2012

in the goldfish bowl!

I had an odd experience on Thursday last. I got an invite to give a talk in the Glass House in Umeå. The "glass house" refers to a not very large oblong glass building in the town centre. The building has enough room for a few people but the "audience" sits outside the building. So, when I gave my talk it felt a bit like standing in a goldfish bowl where people looked in on me talking. I did a talk called "Imagine people, places and communities: a vision for the future" (the same talk I gave at the imagine festival) in conjunction with the Umeå bio-dome group that EOS has helped to fund. We had a few interesting people inside the glass house to talk to afterwards, including one guy for the occupy movement.

The mini geodesic dome

A little poster for my talk

The aquaponics system

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